When a tutor can help















How do I know when my child needs a private tutor?


As a parent, you are best placed to know when your child is in need of extra support, and there are many reasons why parents decide to engage the services of a private tutor. In this post, I will highlight a few of the common reasons and offer examples of how I am able to support a child in these circumstances.


If a child is struggling at school, a private tutor is often an excellent approach to tackling their difficulties. I will take into account your child’s learning style and plan adaptable sessions that allow for learning at their own pace.

There are many reasons a child may struggle, but patience, encouragement and individual attention, will be the first steps in rebuilding confidence.



Does your child usually flourishes academically, but has recently missed school? Do they need help to catch up? 

Perhaps their class started reading a particular book in their absence, leaving your child feeling unable to join in with class discussions.

Or, if the class undertook a project around a historical period while your child was away, you may feel they missed out and would benefit from support in exploring this subject.

I can help your child to catch up.


What if the issue is a lack of confidence? One-to-one tuition affords a child a chance to learn outside of a large group setting, where they may feel shy, or preoccupied with comparing their achievements with that of their classmates.

I aim to nurture students towards confidence and a belief in their ability to achieve. 

A fresh, creative approach to a problem and gradually building upon the achievements that follow, will help your child to grow in confidence.



I find a plan for learning tailored to a child’s individual needs and interests, an effective approach to tackling a lack of motivation.

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Just as with reluctant readers, getting to know a child and their needs is crucial to finding that one area of interest that sparks enthusiasm and kindles a curiosity for learning across the curriculum.

Look out for my forthcoming post about reluctant readers.

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There are many reasons why a child may experience attention or concentration difficulties. We would need to discuss the issues your child is facing, before putting together an individual plan for tackling these difficulties.

Generally, if a child finds it difficult to absorb information or maintain concentration in a classroom, then one-to-one tuition can help. Not only will they receive individual support without the distraction of so many other children, but we will also develop techniques for coping in a busy classroom.

Study and homework skills, is another area where individual and group tuition can make a significant impact on academic success. Motivation is not always the problem. Many children lack the skills to know where to begin.

I help children to develop transferable skills, which they can draw upon in the classroom and at home, allowing them to organize their ideas, manage their time, and plan their work.




Is helping a child to revise causing family tensions? Consider seeking the support of a private tutor if motivating a child to study at home has become a battle. 

Rather than tutoring in the home, I prefer to tutor in a space where there are less distractions and potential temptations to disrupt a study session. An environment associated with learning helps children to settle down to study.

I appreciate that children spend a lot of time engaged with learning and that extra study is not always a popular activity. I understand that it can be difficult for a child to concentrate or feel motivated after school. Once home, it’s hard to resist the allure of the TV/ PlayStation / social media/ friends calling…

Equally, I appreciate your frustrations in having to repeat the same discussions, explaining the importance of revision, or extra study.

You have likely had a long day too, and you may also feel a bit overwhelmed when it comes to knowing how best to help your child if they struggle to understand a particular concept or master a certain skill.


Realistically, no student is likely to love every topic they study. Learning however, should be an enjoyable experience rather than something dreaded.

I feel strongly that engaged, enthusiastic children, learn far more than those who only study as it is expected of them.

Set study times each week, with the attention of a tutor, in an environment they associate with learning (rather than relaxing and having family time), will help a child to make far more progress than continuing a regular battle to motivate study at home.

Involving children in this decision will also make them feel they are taking responsibility for their learning.

There are many other situations where a private tutor can be of help. Every child is different and I do not believe in a one-size-fits-all solution to supporting a child in education.

Get in touch to discuss your child’s needs. I look forward to hearing from you and working with your child.

For more information about me and my teaching style, please visit the About Page.




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