Useful Links & Info
















The 11+ and Secondary School Selection:


A fantastic guide to just about everything a parent needs to know about the 11+ and selective schools.

A useful website when seeking advice about the 11 plus

Bond 11 Plus Preparation

Assessment papers, study guides, free resources, and advice for parents.

The National Grammar Schools Association

                                            Independent Schools Council

Information for Thurrock Parents and Guardians:

Thurrock Council’s Education and Learning Page

Thurrock Primary Schools:

A list of primary schools in Thurrock, with contact information and website links.

Thurrock Secondary Schools:

A list of secondary schools in Thurrock, with contact information and website links.

Thurrock Council’s Special Education page

Thurrock Council’s Home Education Page

Thurrock Libraries:

A list of Thurrock Libraries, with contact details and links to opening times.



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