













Qualifications & Experience:

I am a graduate with a degree in English and Creative Writing and a Masters degree in Humanities.

After initially volunteering as a reading mentor, I quickly realized my passion for helping children to achieve academic success. As well as one-to-one tutoring, I went on to teach a number of workshops within primary schools, working with children of various ages and abilities.

I believe that a love of reading can act as a gateway of discovery for young people, nurturing their imaginative and naturally curious minds, towards both analytical thinking and creativity.


I have experience in finding a way forward for reluctant readers and those who lack confidence in literacy, through one-to-one tuition. My in-school workshops have also provided a wealth of valuable teaching experiences, from adapting to the needs of a diverse, mixed-ability group, to designing a workshop to challenge higher-ability children.

Some of the most rewarding experiences that come to mind, all involve the moment when a child (or group) experienced a sense of pride and achievement in their efforts.

In one of my earliest workshops, an otherwise confident child, who made regular, valuable contributions to the group, always shied away from reading, particularly if asked to read aloud. By the end of that workshop, we were rehearsing a play based on their earlier work; that student’s confidence in reading had grown considerably, and the opportunity to read aloud seemed much less daunting. I was amazed to see this individual carrying around the script (now dog-eared and crumpled from so much voluntary reading at home), with a look of excitement and determination.


I will also always remember with great fondness, the experience of making a short film with a group of students from two year 4 classes. The film was the final project at the end of a long-term literacy and creative writing workshop, in which, the children developed a very imaginative and humorous fairy-tale story.

Designing and running this challenging workshop, greatly enriched my teaching skill-set but, again, what I will never forget is the excitement of the children on viewing their film – the project on which, they had worked so hard, and into which, poured so much creativity and enthusiasm!


Teaching Approach:

Supporting children in developing the skills (and an eager, enquiring mind-set) necessary for life-long learning, is one of my key objectives.

I have had the privilege of working with many wonderful, imaginative young people, who have inspired my approach to teaching.

I am a patient, creative and conscientious tutor, with an enthusiasm for supporting children in developing their full potential. As such,each child student is an individual learning styles interests imagine learning tutor tutoring tuition workshopsI find that this is an effective approach, sparking a passion for learning and developing enthusiastic students, with the skills they need for educational success. When faced with a challenge, I am always willing to research and learn, seeking new ways to support my students.

I encourage my students to remember that learning and growing as a person is a life-long journey, and that we all make progress at different rates. Mistakes and struggles are learning opportunities!

Get in touch. I would love to help!

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